Corporate Governance
The Directors are committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance, and propose, so far as is practicable given the Company’s size and nature, to comply with the QCA Code. Quantum Exponential has established an Audit Committee with formally delegated duties and responsibilities. The Audit Committee comprises Nigel McNair Scott and Ian Pearson.
The Board, which will normally meet six times a year, will ensure that procedures, resources and controls are in place to ensure that the Company is operating effectively at all times. Due to the size and nature of the Company the Board do not believe a remuneration committee is suitable, however, the Board will continue to assess the need for such a committee taking into account the principles of good governance.
The Directors have established financial controls and reporting procedures, which are considered appropriate given the size of and structure of the Company. These controls will be reviewed in the light of an investment or acquisition and adjusted accordingly.