Investment Commitee
Quantum Exponential has established an Investment Committee. The Investment Committee’s role is to maintain a prudent and effective allocation of capital across the Company’s investments. Stuart Nicol is Chairman of the Investment Committee and ensures a regular dialogue between the Board and the Investment Committee. The Investment Committee’s main task is to evaluate the potential investment targets and then report its findings to the Board.
Advisory Board
In addition to the Investment Committee, an Advisory Board exists to provide further know-how and a broader network to the Company. The Advisory board consists of nine individuals with expertise in investment, venture capital, quantum computing science and research, and legal and transactional work.
Screening Process & Due Diligence
The Company will conduct the following due diligence on potential targets:
- Evaluation of potential product/market fit
- Evaluation of the management team regarding their executive expertise, integrity as well as fit & properness
- Evaluation of the intellectual property as well as potential patents and its legal situation
- Evaluation of the corporate governance including the correct incorporation with all legal documents and policies
- Evaluation of the financial situation of the company including their balance sheet, sources & use of funds.
Investment Execution
The Board will approve all investments made by Quantum Exponential and as part of the approval process will consider any comments made by the Investment Committee, any counsel’s opinion (if applicable) as well as any comments from the company’s nominated adviser.
In order to leverage the performance of the investee companies, the Directors will provide access to Quantum Exponential know-how and networks to ensure continuous guidance and advice. Thereby, the company supports the businesses in developing their business plans through its investment, ability to connect companies to grow the business, towards an exit strategy.